Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Most Disgusting Thing CCTV Has Ever Captured...

This happened about 2 years ago while working for a specialty retailer in a newer shopping center in a downtown metropolis. This retailer did not place cameras in their stores as a rule, however due to this store's location, we had a fully functional and pretty decent camera system. We also worked in two-man teams at this location. When this shopping center first opened, I was working for a big-box retailer in the same shopping center. In the first 6 months we were open, we brought successful resolution to 45 internal cases that were worth over $35,000 collectively and apprehended close to 200 shoplifters. I saw some incredibly disturbing things while working in this city. There was the bathroom completely and inexplicably covered in blood (and I mean like wall to wall, floor to ceiling). There was the abandoned child in the children's department (we never did find the mother.) And there were many many other just truly disturbing stories, but the main purpose of this blog is to entertain and not to give you nightmares. And so I give you this story...

My co-worker and I, we'll call him J, had just started the shift and J decided to run out to the Starbucks to grab us some coffee. We knew that things would be slow for a while and with the camera system, it was a pretty comfortable gig when we worked this store. Shortly after he stepped out, a young girl caught my eye. She was pushing a baby stroller and kept looking up toward the ceiling- usually a telltale sign of a shoplifter. I zoomed in on her to check the contents of the baby stroller, just to make sure there was actually a baby inside. I once got "burned" by a woman who walked out with close to $1,000 in her stroller because there had been no baby in the stroller and I thought that there was no way a woman with a baby would be stealing (I was new and naive.)

After checking the stroller and seeing that there was, indeed, a baby in the stroller I continued to observe the mother's behavior. I noticed that she kept messing around with her waistband of her pants while looking up toward the ceiling. She was acting as though she was concealing merchandise down the front of her pants, but I hadn't seen her select anything and was fairly certain that she hadn't picked anything up before I started watching her. As I zoomed in further, I noticed that she had her hand completely down the front of her pants and was sort of raising one leg as if to get down in there deeper. Just then, J came walking back into the office. He looked at the monitor and asked what I was watching. I told him I had no idea but this girl was digging at her crotch for reasons unknown to me. Just then, she withdrew her hand from her pants and J and I practically ran out of the office screaming at the horror of what we were witnessing. As this nasty piece of trash hood rat took her hand out of her pants, it was covered in what we could only assume was menstrual blood. And then things went from really bad to extremely worse...

She looked around to see if anyone was watching and then slowly brought her bloody hand up to her face and then... she fucking sniffed her hand. Not once... but twice. She didn't recoil at what I can only imagine was the most foul-smelling thing on Earth... no... instead, she fucking wiped her hand on the nearest sweater. Up until about 5 seconds prior, it had been a nice white cotton sweater. Now, it was a $30 tampon.

And then she did the whole thing all over again.

And then she tried to leave the store.

She didn't make it very far. She was stopped before leaving and apprehended for criminal damage of store property.

When the police arrived, we had to show them the video. After seeing what she had done, he simply turned to her and asked, "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" The girl had no explanation at all. Normally, the police in this city would have just cited-and-released her but this day, for some reason, they felt it necessary to take her to jail after releasing her child to a family member.

They should have charged her with felony stupid as well.

What a nasty bitch.

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